Do you remember the last time you received a card in the mail? In a sea of junk mail and bills, a card is a simple thing that really stands out to the person who receives it. Sending a card is a small gesture that shows just how much you care about that special someone in your life. With World Card Making Day coming up on October 1, celebrate by making and sending a handmade card to someone who could use a little recognition, love, or just a boost (which is anyone, really!).
In celebration of World Card Making Day, Stampin' Up! is offering 25% off card making essentials!
October 1-5
Download World Card Making Day Sale List
Here's one of the sale items...Designer Tin of Cards...Make a stack of all-purpose cards using pre-cut, color-coordinated paper and accessories, then store them in a pretty tin until you need them. See for yourself how easy creativity can be!
During the month of October, you can buy three packages of designer paper and get one free!..This sale includes designer paper from the annual catalog and the recently released holiday catalog (not including the Specialty Designer Paper and Designer Series Paper Stacks). Download the flyer below to see which designer papers are included in the By Three, Get One Free Sale!